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Publications (论文发表)

Journal Publications (期刊论文)


Cao, D., Lin, Z., Yuan, J., Tan, W., & Chen, H. (2024). Swash-flow induced forces on human body standing on a smooth and impermeable slope: A numerical study with experimental validations. Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, 18(1), 2319768.

Dong, Y., Tan, W., Chen, H., & Yuan, J.* (2024). Numerical modeling of wave interaction with a porous floating structure consisting of uniform spheres. Physics of Fluids, 36(8).

Wang, X., Yuan, J.*, Qiu, X., Huang, H., Lin, P., Liu, X., & Hu, H. (2024). Time development of live-bed scour around an offshore-wind monopile under large current–wave ratio. Coastal Engineering, 190, 104509.

Wei, Z., & Yuan, J. * (2024). A theoretical study of wave-induced response of buried long submarine cables. Ocean Engineering, 314, 119612.

Yuan, J. * & Cao, D. (2024). Ripple-averaged wave boundary layer over long-crest sand ripples at high Reynolds number: observations and theoretical model. Applied Ocean Research, vol. 154, p. 104357.


Yuan, J* (2023). Observations of net sediment transport rate and boundary layer of wave–current flows over vortex ripples." Coastal Engineering 181: 104288.

Dong, Y., & Yuan, J* (2023). Projections of offshore wind energy and wave climate in Guangdong’s nearshore area using CMIP6 simulations. Journal of Intelligent Construction, 1(1), 9180007.

Xiang, Y., Lin, P., An, R., Yuan, J., Fan, Q., & Chen, X. (2023). Full participation flat closed-loop safety management method for offshore wind power construction sites. Journal of Intelligent Construction, 1(1), 9180006.


Cao, D., Tan, W., & Yuan, J* (2022). Assessment of wave overtopping risk for pedestrian visiting the crest area of coastal structure. Applied Ocean Research, 120.

Tan, W., Cao, D., & Yuan, J. (2022). Numerical modelling of green-water overtopping flow striking a pedestrian on the crest of a sloped coastal structure. Ocean Engineering, 260.

Tan, W., & Yuan, J* (2022). Net sheet-flow sediment transport rate: Additivity of wave propagation and nonlinear waveshape effects. Continental Shelf Research, 240.

Tan, W., & Yuan, J* (2022). Drag-related wave-current interaction inside a dense submerged aquatic canopy. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 941.

Fan, Q., Wang, X., Yuan, J., Liu, X., Hu, H., & Lin, P. (2022). A Review of the Development of Key Technologies for Offshore Wind Power in China. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 10(7), 929.


Tan, W., and Yuan, J* (2021). A two-layer numerical model for coastal sheet-flow sediment transport. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 126, e2021JC017241.

Cao, Deping, Hao Chen, and Jing Yuan (2021), Inline force on human body due to non-impulsive wave overtopping at a vertical seawall, Ocean Engineering:108300. pdf

Cao, D., Yuan, J.*, Chen, H., Zhao, K., & Li-Fan Liu, P. (2021). Wave overtopping flow striking a human body on the crest of an impermeable sloped seawall. Part I: physical modeling. Coastal Engineering, 167, 103891. pdf

Chen, H., Yuan, J.*, Cao, D., & Liu, P. (2021). Wave overtopping flow striking a human body on the crest of an impermeable sloped seawall. Part II: Numerical modelling. Coastal Engineering, 103892. pdf


Wang, D. and J. Yuan* (2020), Modelling of net sediment transport rate due to wave-driven oscillatory flows over vortex ripples Applied Ocean Research, vol. 94, p. 101979, doi:

Wang, D. and J. Yuan* (2020), Measurements of net sediment transport rate under asymmetric oscillatory flows over wave-generated sand ripples, Coastal Engineering, vol. 155, p. 103583, doi:


Önder, A. and J. Yuan (2019), Turbulent dynamics of sinusoidal oscillatory flow over a wavy bottom. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 858, 264-314. doi:10.1017/jfm.2018.754

Zhao, K., J. Yuan*, et al. (2019), Modelling surface temperature of granite seawalls in Singapore, Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 13: 100395.

Tan, W., and J. Yuan* (2019), Experimental study of sheet-flow sediment transport under nonlinear oscillatory flow over a sloping bed, Coastal Engineering, 147, 1-11. doi: pdf

Wang, D., and J. Yuan* (2019), Geometric characteristics of coarse-sand ripples generated by oscillatory flows: A full-scale experimental study. Coastal Engineering, 147, 159-174. doi: pdf

Yuan, J.*, and Wang, D. ( 2019), An experimental investigation of acceleration‐skewed oscillatory flow over vortex ripples. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 124., pdf


Yuan, J.* and W. Tan (2018), Modeling net sheet-flow sediment transport rate under skewed and asymmetric oscillatory flows over a sloping bed. Coastal Engineering. 136: p. 65-80 doi: pdf

Yuan, J.* and D. Wang (2018), Experimental investigation of total bottom shear stress for oscillatory flows over sand ripples. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 123(9): p. 6481-6502 doi:10.1029/2018JC013953. pdf

Wang, D. and J. Yuan* (2018), Bottom‐slope‐induced net sediment transport rate under oscillatory flows in the rippled‐bed regime. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 123, 7308–7331. doi:10.1029/2018JC013810.

2017 and earlier

Yuan, J.* and S.M. Dash (2017), Experimental investigation of turbulent wave boundary layers under irregular coastal waves. Coastal Engineering. 128: p. 22-36 doi: pdf

Yuan, J.*, Z. Li, and O.S. Madsen (2017), Bottom-slope-induced net sheet-flow sediment transport rate under sinusoidal oscillatory flows. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 122(1): p. 236-263 doi: 10.1002/2016JC011996.pdf

Yuan, J.*, Turbulent boundary layers under irregular waves and currents: experiments and the equivalent-wave concept (2016). Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 121(4): p. 2616-2640 doi: 10.1002/2015JC011551. pdf

Yuan, J.* and O.S. Madsen (2015), Experimental and theoretical study of wave–current turbulent boundary layers. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 765: p. 480-523 doi:

Yuan, J.* and O.S. Madsen (2014), Experimental study of turbulent oscillatory boundary layers in an oscillating water tunnel. Coastal Engineering. 89: p. 63-84 doi: pdf

Conference Presentations (会议)

Yuan, J., and O.S. Madsen (2010), On choice of random wave simulations in the surf zone processes, the 32nd international conference on coastal engineering, Shanghai, China, 2010

Yuan, J., E. S. Chan, and O.S. Madsen (2012), Experimental study of turbulent oscillatory boundary layers in a new oscillatory water tunnel, the 33rd international conference on coastal engineering, Santander, Spain, 2012

Yuan, J., and O.S. Madsen (2014), Experimental determination of bottom shear stress for turbulent oscillatory flows in oscillatory water tunnels, the 34th international conference on coastal Yuan, J., D. Wang and O.S. Madsen (2017), A laser-based bottom profiler system for measuring net sediment transport rates in an oscillatory water tunnel, Coastal Dynamics, 2017, Helsingør, Denmark, pp. 1495-1505.

Yuan, J., and D. Wang (2018), Form drag and equivalent sand-grain roughness for wave-generated sand ripples, the 36th international conference on coastal engineering, Baltimore, MD, U.S, 2018.

Wang, D. and J. Yuan (2018), Geometric characteristics of wave-generated sand ripples: a full-scale experimental study, the 36th international conference on coastal engineering, Baltimore, MD, U.S, 2018.

Zhao K., J. Yuan, et al. (2018), Modeling tide’s influence on seawall’s surface temperature in tropical regions, the 36th international conference on coastal engineering, Baltimore, MD, U.S, 2018.

Tan W. and J. Yuan (2019), A process-based sediment transport model for sheet flows with the pickup layer resolved in an empirical way, in: International Conference on Asian and Pacific Coasts, Springer. pp. 385-392.